Private Equity Investment Approach
Structure transaction to meet the needs of sellers and to optimize financing
Make your lenders your partners
Conservatively capitalize portfolio company to enhance operating flexibility
Respect operating expertise and personal goals of the management team
Provide owner/managers potential for outsized gains relative to their investment
Invest in businesses for the medium-term and people for the long-term
Be prepared to be opportunistic and act upon opportunities
Promote earnings growth through improved operations, enhanced financial disciplines, selective
complementary acquisitions and exposure to a broader marketplace
Private Equity Partnership Approach
Enable owner/managers to diversify personal holdings and remain as partners
Provide executives who have been running companies an ownership stake in their business
Encourage management team to retain or make personally-significant equity investment
Closely align the interests of owner/managers and investors
Collaborate on financial planning, business development, team building and strategy
Draw on past relationships for varied perspectives and deeper expertise especially through Advisory
Partnership Executives